Benjamin Haas, Manager/Gründer

Benjamin Haas, Manager/Gründer

+33 6 75 01 62 00
Gerant-Agent Immobilier Dijon 440 793 826
Born and raised in Argentina with German and Dutch parents, gone to English universities, worked for American multinationals in the Netherlands, took a sabbatical year sailing the Atlantic ocean from Europe to Brazil via Africa; to finally to settle in Burgundy in the year 2000 with no regrets as France offered me the opportunity of become an entrepreneur with my own Estate agency France4u, in a great environment surrounded by nature, space for our animals: dogs, lamas and horses, culture and wonderful food. Next to my work as estate agent, I enjoy horse back riding and walking our dogs in the vineyards behind our house. I hope to meet you soon, do not hesitate to contact me@
Robert Thom, West Dijon und Auxois Umgebung

Robert Thom, West Dijon und Auxois Umgebung

+33 6 77 88 37 20
Agent Commercial RSAC Dijon 481 826 329
Geboren und aufgewachsen in Glasgow, Schottland, in den späten 1950er Jahren, begann meine berufliche Laufbahn Mitte der 1970er Jahre in der Musikszene, wo ich mit internationalen und lokalen Bands arbeitete.  Danach war ich 20 Jahre lang in der Planungs- und Logistikbranche im Vereinigten Königreich tätig, bevor ich ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen für die Instandhaltung von Immobilien im Peak District National Park, England, gründete. Das Interesse an der Gründung eines zweiten Unternehmens im Bereich Kunsthandwerk und Kunst führte mich und meine Frau Jenni 1999 zu einem Kunstbetrieb in Burgund. Da wir uns in den Lebensstil und den Charme der Dörfer und der Landschaft verliebten, beschlossen wir, in Burgund nach einem Zweitwohnsitz zu suchen. Nach der Besichtigung von fünf Objekten mit einem örtlichen Notar machten wir ein Angebot für ein Haus in Creancey, Cote D'Or. Wir zogen am 23. November 2000 ein und im August 2003 zogen wir endgültig nach Burgund. Wir brachten unser Unternehmen für die Instandhaltung von Immobilien mit und bauten bald ein internationales Kundennetz auf, und das Geschäft begann.Unser Leben änderte sich, als wir Benjamin HAAS kennenlernten, der gerade Burgundy4u gegründet hatte. Nach einem gemeinsamen Besuch der französischen Immobilienmesse in London wurden wir zu Botschaftern des Glücks und der Veränderung des Lebensstils für viele internationale Hauskäufer.  Im Laufe der Jahre haben wir Hunderte von Menschen kennengelernt und begleitet, die wie wir den Wunsch hatten, in Burgund Fuß zu fassen. Viele sind zu Freunden geworden und andere haben durch uns verkauft und sind zu einem neuen Projekt weitergezogen.  Vor kurzem haben wir nach jahrelangen Renovierungsarbeiten dieses Haus verkauft und sind in ein zweites Haus umgezogen, um neu anzufangen. Da wir über lokale Kontakte und die besten Handwerker verfügen, steht das Projekt kurz vor seinem Abschluss.  Der Umzug ins Burgund hat mir viele Türen geöffnet und mir die Möglichkeit gegeben, meine Planungs- und Kommunikationsfähigkeiten einzusetzen, um Kunden zu unterstützen, die nicht nur eine Immobilie, sondern einen Lebensstil hier im Burgund erwerben möchten. Mein Hauptvergnügen ist es, mit Käufern zusammenzuarbeiten, um den Übergang in den Besitz eines burgundischen Hauses angenehmer und weniger stressig zu gestalten. Damit verbunden ist die Freude, neue Freunde zu finden, neue Kulturen und Lebensweisen kennen zu lernen, was meine Frau Jenni und ich für sehr wichtig halten.Ich hoffe, Sie bald zu treffen, zögern Sie nicht, mich zu kontaktieren
Jane Duller Prime, South Burgundy

Jane Duller Prime, South Burgundy

+33 7 68 24 26 09
Agent Commercial RSAC Chalon s/ Saône 398 171 330
After moving from the UK in the 90’s to benefit from a continental lifestyle we passed through many corners of France before settling in southern Burgundy for its beautiful landscape, its ease of access and the warmth of its people. We love cycling along the many greenways and rivers or through the vineyards, and the Alps are near enough for regular practice of winter sports.  With children born and bred in France our family is now 50% French. I have worked in many sectors from multinational corporations to running our own hotel which has given me a wide experience, particularly in customer relations. This is now put to good use with France4U where I am well-placed to advise on most aspects of living in France.
Caroline Rouxel, Beaune und Côte de Beaune

Caroline Rouxel, Beaune und Côte de Beaune

+33 789418865
E.I.Agent commmercial RSAC Dijon 434 907 077
I was born in France from a Swedish mother and a French father and grew up in South East Asia. After studying engineering in the USA, I worked for 10 years selling industrial equipment. Though I had a comfortable and interesting profession, I became more and more interested in art.After an intensive year of training in pottery I set up my studio in a small village in Burgundy between 2000 and 2005. I then followed my husband around the world between 2005 and 2017, from Berlin to California, from Montpellier to Montreal, each time setting up a new studio in order to continue my art.Back in my little house near Beaune, I have relaunched my pottery and am starting a new carrier as an estate agent. Having travelled throughout the world, encountered different cultures, lived around many architectures, discovered multi-ethnic arts, I combine today my love of « beautiful objects », my skills in communication and sales, in order to bring together sellers and buyers of beautiful properties.
Pierre MATTOT, Couches Umgebung

Pierre MATTOT, Couches Umgebung

+33 6 51 88 44 07‬
E.I. Agent Commercial RSAC Chalon s/ Saône 878 229 822
Born in a wine makers’ family of the Côtes du Couchois, my youth readings rapidly gave me a taste for traveling and meeting other cultures. This led me to cooperate in Rwanda, Central Africa; thereby excusing myself of doing my military service in regular French barracks. Thanks to that experience I decided to train as a career diplomat, with specialism in culture. Not at all what my parents had foreseen: a teacher in France. After twenty years spent in five countries (Pakistan, Indonesia, Iraq, Malaysia, Iran) I became a career diplomat and served in ten other countries before retiring from the French Foreign Service and settling down in the family home in Couches to live a peaceful retirement. Too peaceful to my taste! Therefore, I joined France4U team to bring it, as well as its clients, my knowledge of the Burgundy Terroir, and if necessary, my experience in relationships and international negotiations.
Minou de Winter, Sud Morvan

Minou de Winter, Sud Morvan

‭+33 6 61 23 60 43‬
E.I. Agent Commercial RSAC Nevers 523 208 999
How did I become an estate agent? Well I have owned a house in the Morvan for years and I love the space, nature and forests, enough space for man’s best friend to run around. I love dogs and have been active in the dog sport. For me possibilities to walk and wander was very important when I was looking for a house. In the Netherlands I had a busy job as a bailiff’s apprentice so I spent most of my days in busy traffic. When I turned 50  I decided it was time for a change and I moved to France.I wanted to stay active and having a great interest in French houses, the step to real estate agent was an easy one. I have worked in real estate for 8 years now and I have started at France4u since September 2018.I am very happy that I have found work in doing what I love most, finding that extra special house for my clients. And what a privilege to do this in the stunning hills of the Morvan!
Linda Bakker, Loiretal und Sancerre Umgebung

Linda Bakker, Loiretal und Sancerre Umgebung

+33 6 76 54 04 57
Agent commercial RSAC Nevers 498 758 382
We moved to France in 2004 after we finished the renovation of our property. Living the good life in France, together with Arno and Isabella our daughter. Trying to keep the balance between work and pleasure. I held positions in the Netherlands and the UK mainly in the publicity, advertising and marketing department. Travelled the world, lived in the USA and the UK. We fell in love, by accident, with our property in France during a old-timer car rally. Being reunited and back in business with the Burgundy4U/France4U family after a few years of absence. I am giving it all my best to find your dream home in our beautiful region here in France. We don’t sell homes...We change lives
Janet De Bont, Arroux valley in Burgundy

Janet De Bont, Arroux valley in Burgundy

06 02 24 02 49‬
E.I Agent commercial RSAC Chalon s/ Saône 530 903 764
In 2010 my  French dream came true and I started with buying an Auberge in a small village in Burgundy. Looking for more quality of life. After renovating, refurbishing and dealing with all the necessary paperwork we could open for business. The Auberge has been a Chambres d´hôtes with bar and restaurant since 2011. To this very day I still really enjoy the peace and space. Meanwhile I gained a lot of experience with the French legislation and regulations and have been often involved in an advisory role for others who also want to achieve their French dream. I love to use my energy and knowledge to find you a buyer or to find you a suitable home.
Chris Van Halewijn, Morvan See

Chris Van Halewijn, Morvan See

‭+33 7 87 18 65 56‬
E.I. Agent Commercial RSC Chalon s/ Saône 880 680 848
Daniel Friedrichs, Charollais Brionnais

Daniel Friedrichs, Charollais Brionnais

+33 (0) 6 49 39 23 23‬
E.I. Agent Commercial RSAC Mâcon 809 488 687
After falling in love with a house in the Charollais-Brionnais in 2012 we decided to move to Burgundy for good in 2015. It was a big step! From a manager in the international media and entertainment industry to the peace and quiet of beautiful Burgundy. Surrounded by history, nature, culture and friendly people without being too far away from the city. I am looking forward to help you find your dream home in the Charolais-Brionnais.
Jeroen and Inge van der Ziel, Limousin

Jeroen and Inge van der Ziel, Limousin

‭+33 5 55 78 28 84‬
Agent Immobilier SIRET 52190005000019
Eugene de Graaf, Agent for the Languedoc

Eugene de Graaf, Agent for the Languedoc